Exchanges of TWIN2PIPSA members to partner institutions

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Apr 15-26, 2024
Scientific Exchange to University of Cambridge

PhD student António Figueira traveled to Cambridge to explore the phase separation behaviour of Tau and S100B proteins using computational simulation approaches developed by the consortium partners at University of Copenhagen (UCPH). With the guidance of Prof. Lindorff-Larsen and the support of researcher Giulio Tesei and PhD student Fan Cao, Daniela collected in silico protein-protein interactions data that will complement the ongoing in vitro experiments conducted at Ciências ULisboa.

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Apr 15-26, 2024
Scientific Exchange to University of Copenhagen

PhD student Daniela Freitas traveled to Denmark to explore the phase separation behaviour of Tau and S100B proteins using computational simulation approaches developed by the consortium partners at University of Copenhagen (UCPH). With the guidance of Prof. Lindorff-Larsen and the support of researcher Giulio Tesei and PhD student Fan Cao, Daniela collected in silico protein-protein interactions data that will complement the ongoing in vitro experiments conducted at Ciências ULisboa.

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Jan 15-16, 2024
Science Management Staff Exchange to University of Cambridge

Bárbara Matos, from the Pre-Award Department, and Carla Marques, the head of the Post-award department at FCiências.ID, have traveled to the UK to learn science management strategies and acquire new skill with their peers at the University of Cambridge (UCAM). These training events are expected to help capacitate the science management teams at Ciências ULisboa and improve their outputs within the European Research Area.

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Oct 16-20, 2023
Scientific Exchanges to University of Cambridge

PhD student Sara Ferreira and principal investigator Miguel Machuqueiro went on a Scientific Exchange to the University of Cambridge (UCAM), in UK, in which they had the opportunity to engage in enriching scientific discussions with Profs. Sophie Jackson, Michele Vendruscolo, Jenny Zhang, Paul Barker, and Sir Alan Fersht from the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry.

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Jul 18-23, 2023
Scientific Exchanges to Tel Aviv University. Cláudio M. Gomes, Romana Santos, M Bárbara J. Henriques, Federico Herrera.

TWIN2PIPSA Coordinator Prof. Cláudio M. Gomes, PhD, and PIs Prof. Romana Santos, PhDBárbara J. Henriques, PhD and Prof. Federico Herrera, PhD, visited Tel Aviv University (TAU) in Israel, meeting with Prof. Ehud Gazit, PhD, his team and collaborators. There, they toured labs and visited the BLAVATNIK CENTER for Drug Discovery, while also sharing research and learning new tech transfer strategies. Excellent opportunity for developing new synergies!

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May 30-31, 2023
Exchange: Set-up experimental and computational methodologies for disease variants (UCPH)

Assistant Researcher Bárbara J. Henriques, PhD, part of the TWIN2PIPSA team of researchers based at the Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine Lab (BioISI), went on a Scientific Exchange to the University of Copenhagen (UCPH), meeting there with Prof. Dr. Kresten Lindorff-Larsen and his team to share insights and plan new exciting collaborations.

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May 30-31, 2023
Exchange: Perform computational analysis of disease variants (UCPH)

PhD student Joana Ribeiro went on a Scientific Exchange to the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, learning new computational approaches to study disease variants of proteins associated to rare metabolic disorders from Prof. Dr. Kresten Lindorff-Larsen and his team.


Talks & seminars given by members of the TWIN2PIPSA team

Jun 6, 2024
Seminar: Knotted Proteins: Does Biology Know About Topology?

Ana Nunes, a principal investigator at the Biological Physics Lab at BioISI and member of the TWIN2PIPSA Ciências ULisboa team, gave a seminar to the local research community in the BioISI Research Seminar series. During this presentations, the audience had the opportunity to learn about knotted proteins and the biophysical features that makes them unique elements of complex systems.

Apr 18, 2024
Seminar: In silico methods to capture the pH effects in drug binding to proteins and membranes

Miguel Machuqueiro, the head of the Computational BiopHysics Lab at BioISI and member of the TWIN2PIPSA Ciências ULisboa team, presented the most recent research results of his team in the BioISI Research Seminar. Their novel computational data has provided important clues on how pH can impact on the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic drugs and contribute for chemoresistance.

Mar 25, 2024
Digital Networking Event: Piezoelectric Biomaterials Toward Energy Harvesting

Post-doctoral researcher Hui Yuan, from Ehud Gazit's lab at University of Tel Aviv, presented their more recent findings that expand the knowledge on the use of amino acids and short peptides as sources of energy that may exploited for the development of wearable and implantable electrical devices.

PFaísca Seminar
Feb 16, 2024
Seminar: Physics of Knotted Proteins

Patrícia Faísca gave a talk on the "Physics of Knotted Proteins" to college students during the Portuguese Meeting of Physics Students (ENEF) that was held 5-18 Feb. at Ciências ULisboa. Aiming to provide a new perspective on physics and its teaching, the TWIN2PIPSA researcher provided an overview of the intricated biophysical features of knotted proteins and their relevance in biology.

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Oct 23, 2023
Digital Networking Event: AlphaFold Prediction of Structural Ensembles of Disordered Proteins

Post-doctoral researcher Faidon Brotzakis, from Michele Vendruscolo's lab at University of Cambridge, presented their more recent findings that expand the knowledge on the use of deep learning methods to predict the structure of disordered proteins.

UCAM Exchange MMachuqueiro & SFerreira
Oct 17, 2023
Seminar: Increasing the Realism of MD Simulations of Proteins, Drugs, and Lipid Bilayers by Adding pH Effects

Professor Miguel Machuqueiro, principal investigator from the Computational Biophysics Lab (BioISI), who is also TWIN2PIPSA's Data Management Plan Manager, shared his group's recent work on constant-pH molecular dynamics methods applied to computational simulations for studying aggregation and the behaviour of biologically relevant molecules with a seminar during his Scientific Exchange to Cambridge University.

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Oct 3-6, 2023
Seminar: “The regulation of Aβ42 oligomerization and aggregation by multimers of the S100B chaperone. António J. Figueira (BioISI)

PhD student António J. Figueira, from the Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine Lab (BioISI), attended the 
prestigious EMBO|FEBS Susan Lindquist School on Proteostasis that was held in Ingelheim am Rhein (Germany), where he shared his work with top experts on the field.

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Sep 29, 2023
PhD Review: New underwater sea urchin inspired bioadhesives. Inês Ventura (BioISI/MARE)

PhD student Inês Ventura discussed her most recent work on bio-inspired adhesives with Birgit Lengerer, PhD (University of Innsbruck), top expert in the field of biological adhesion. The open session was also attended by her supervisors Prof. Romana Santos, PhD (MARE) Bárbara J. Henriques, PhD (BioISI) and and Patrick Flammang, PhD (University of Mons). Great job Inês! 

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Jul 19, 2023
Seminar: Anti-S100B nanobodies as modulators of Tau aggregation. Margarida Simões (BioISI)

PhD student Margarida Simões, from the Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine Lab (BioISI), participated in the FEBS Advanced Course on Protein Folding, Aggregation and Compartimentalization at Spetses Island, Greece. There, she was able to meet with top experts on the field while also sharing her current research on anti-S100B nanobodies with a talk, pitch and poster.

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Jul 19, 2023
Seminar: Monitoring protein dynamics in living cells in the context of neurodegenerative disorders. Federico Herrera (BioISI)

Prof. Federico Herrera, PhD, PI from the Cell Structure and Dynamics Lab (BioISI), who is also TWIN2PIPSA's Grant Office Capacity Building Liaison Person, shared his group's recent work on cell models for studying protein aggregation with a seminar during his Scientific Exchange to Tel Aviv University.

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Jul 19, 2023
Seminar: Acyl-CoA metabolites as a regulators of enzyme function through protein acylation. Bárbara J. Henriques (BioISI)

TWIN2PIPSA Dissemination and Communication Manager and PI Bárbara J. Henriques, PhD gave a seminar during her Scientific Exchange to Tel Aviv University, where she shared her team's latest work on rare metabolic disorders.

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Jul 19, 2023
Seminar: Sea urchin inspired adhesives for biotechnological and biomedical applications. Romana Santos (MARE)

TWIN2PIPSA Local Innovation Executive and PI Prof. Romana Santos, PhD, from the Bioadhesion & Biomimicry group at MARE (MARE) gave a seminar on bio-inspired adhesives as part of her Scientific Exchange to Tel Aviv University.

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Jul 19, 2023
Seminar: Novel chaperones counteracting protein aggregation in neurodegeneration. Cláudio M. Gomes (BioISI)

As part of their Scientific Exchange to Tel Aviv University, TWIN2PIPSA Coordinator Prof. Cláudio M. Gomes, PhD, showed his team's latest work with a seminar on anti-aggregation chaperones in neurodegeneration.

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Jul 25, 2023
Seminar: Metalloprotein chaperones: Regulating protein aggregation and metal ion dyshomeostasis in Alzheimer's disease. Cláudio M. Gomes (BioISI)

TWIN2PIPSA Coordinator Prof. Cláudio M. Gomes, PhD, gave a keynote lecture at the annual meeting of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (Portuguese Chemical Society) in Aveiro, Portugal. There, he shared his lab latest research on metalloprotein chaperones able to target Zn dyshomeostasis and protein aggregation in the context of Alzheimer's disease.

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Jun 22, 2023
Seminar: Blue biotechnology: from mimicry to application. Inês Ventura (MARE/BioISI)

PhD student Inês Ventura from the Bioadhesion & Biomimicry Lab (MARE) and the Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine Lab (BioISI), shared her work on sea urchin-inspired adhesive proteins at the Beer ISI PhD Seminars.

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May 31, 2023
Seminar: Mechanisms of protein dysfunction in rare metabolic disorders. Bárbara J. Henriques (BioISI)

Assistant researcher Bárbara J. Henriques, PhD, part of the TWIN2PIPSA team of researchers based at the Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine Lab (BioISI), shared her team's work on protein dysfunction in rare metabolic disorders in Copenhagen, Denmark, as part of her Scientific Exchange to UCPH. 

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May 24, 2023
Seminar: A molecular simulation approach towards establishing the early phase of protein aggregation. Patrícia FN Faísca (BioISI)

Prof. Patrícia F. N. Faísca, PhD, part of the TWIN2PIPSA team of researchers and PI of the Biological Physics Lab (BioISI), shared her group's latest work at the Physics Seminar Coffee Talk series.

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May 18, 2023
Seminar: S100B chaperone multimers as novel regulators of protein aggregation and oligomerization in Alzheimer's Disease. António J. Figueira (BioISI)

PhD student António J. Figueira, from the Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine Lab (BioISI), shared his latest results regarding S100B suppressing activity against Aβ42 aggregation and neurotoxic oligomers at the Beer ISI PhD Seminars.

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Apr 21, 2023
Digital Networking Event:
Predicting the early stages of protein aggregation: Dynamics and growth modes of beta-2-microglobulin dimers. João Vitorino (BioISI)

PhD student João Vitorino, from the Molecular Modeling & Simulation Lab at BioISI, presented their latest results on β-2-microglobulin aggregation, where they report a simple computational model to study β2M dimerization.

Invited speakers at FC/ULisboa

Jun 28, 2024
Use of tau-specific single domain antibodies to inhibit tau aggregation nucleation and seeding in neurodegenerative diseases

Isabelle Landrieu, from the Institute Pasteur de Lille, visited Ciências ULisboa and gave a lecture in which showcased her most recent research work. During this seminar, the TWIN2PIPSA researchers and students had the opportunity to engage on insightful discussions on the use of single domain antibodies to tackle neurodegenerative diseases.

Jun 21, 2024
Protein interactions gone awry in neurodegenerative diseases

Prof. Danny Hatters, from The University of Melbourne, visited Ciências ULisboa and gave a lecture in which showcased the most recent research work of his team on new strategies to explore the potential of proteins to form pathological amyloid complexes by modulating their biophysical proprieties. He also had the opportunity meet with different research teams of the Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute (BioISI) and engage on inspiring scientific discussions.

Apr 30, 2024
Self-assembly of Therapeutic Peptides

Prof. Sophie Jackson, PhD, from the University of Cambridge Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, visited Ciências ULisboa and gave a lecture on the biophysical properties of therapeutic peptides and how they can acquire undesired amyloid forms that can hamper their beneficial effects. The TWIN2PIPSA researchers also had the opportunity to attend a Master Class by Prof. Jackson in which she gave an overview of protein folding events and the current state of the art in the field.

Dec 14, 2023
Targeting Ataxin-3 aggregation: Clues for Machado-Joseph's disease therapy

Prof. Sandra Macedo-Ribeiro, PhD, from the Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto, shared with the Ciências ULisboa community 20 years of research expertise on the role of amyloids in Machado Joseph's disease. As the coordinator of PhasAGE, a partner twinning project, additional cooperative discussions were established to promote the sustainability of twinnings.

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Dec 11, 2023
Identify functional residues in proteins at scale

Matteo Cagiada, PhD, from the University of Copenhagen (UCPH), presented a summary on computational strategies to explore the impact of genetic mutations on the structure of disordered proteins. This seminar was given under the scope of the on-site training event promoted by UCPH for ULisboa TWIN2PIPSA researchers. 

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Dec 11, 2023
Understanding intrinsically disordered proteins: from integrative modelling to design

Francesco Pesce, PhD, from the University of Copenhagen (UCPH), presented the latest computational strategies available to explore the structure of intrinsically disordered proteins using different types of experimental data. This seminar was given under the scope of the on-site training event promoted by UCPH for ULisboa TWIN2PIPSA researchers. 

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Dec 6, 2023
Bacteria to the rescue: engineering microorganisms to function as an early-stage living drug discovery platform for protein misfolding diseases

Prof. Georgios Skretas, PhD, from the Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center, and a collaborator of Prof. Cláudio Gomes (ULisboa), presented a new screening platform based on bacteria that can be used to explore strategies to target disease-related aggregation-prone proteins. He also visited some of the laboratories of the TWIN2PIPSA researchers and engaged in exciting discussions for future collaborations.

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Sep 18-19, 2023
Designer biomolecular condensates formed by peptide liquid-liquid phase separation

Prof. Ayala Lampel, PhD, from Tel Aviv University (TAU), visited ULisboa to get to know TWIN2PIPSA's Lisbon-based research groups. She also shared her team's latest work on synthetic biomolecular condensates with a seminar, and engaged in exciting discussions for future collaborations.

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Sep 13, 2023
Interactions and conformational switching of Bcl-2 protein family of apoptotic regulators

Prof. Alexey Ladokhin, PhD, from the University of Kansas Medical Center, colaborator of PI Miguel Machuqueiro, PhD (BioISI), visited FCUL (ULisboa) to present his group's recent research on membrane-induced conformational switching in Bcl-2 proteins and their role in the regulation of apoptosis. 

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May 11, 2023
Normal and abnormal huntingtin protein variants and their role in Huntington’s disease

Prof. Erich E. Wanker, PhD, from the Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC) in Berlin shared his Lab's latest research on Huntington's disease-associated HTT protein, where they use quantitative multi-OMICs, protein-protein interaction studies and transgenic flies models.

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Apr13, 2023
Multifunctional S100 proteins, from metallo-proteins to therapeutic targets.

Prof. Guenter Fritz, PhD, from the University of Hohenheim, Germany, shared his team's recent research on the world of S100 proteins through a TWIN2PIPSA Digital Networking Event.

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Feb 03, 2023
Understanding the origins of loss of protein function using analyses of protein stability and conservation

Prof. Kresten Lindorff-Larsen, PhD, representative of the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) in the TWIN2PIPSA consortium, showcased his team's work on merging computational methods with experimental data for studying protein dynamics and its relation to their structure and function at TWIN2PIPSA's kick-off meeting in Lisbon, Portugal.

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Feb 02, 2023
Peptide and Metabolite Assembly: Physiology, Pathology, and Nanotechnology

Prof. Ehud Gazit, PhD, representative of Tel Aviv University (TAU) in the TWIN2PIPSA consortium, shared his group's latest work on molecular structure and self-assembly at the nanoscale of peptides and metabolites at TWIN2PIPSA's kick-off meeting in Lisbon, Portugal.

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Feb 01, 2023
Thermodynamic and kinetic approaches for drug discovery to target protein misfolding and aggregation

Prof. Michele Vendruscolo, PhD, representative of the University of Cambridge (UCAM) in the TWIN2PIPSA consortium, shared his team's latest research on protein misfolding and aggregation kinetics at TWIN2PIPSA's kick-off meeting in Lisbon, Portugal.


Dissemination at conferences and meetings with the participation of TWIN2PIPSA members

Sep 5-6, 2024
SSIEM Annual Symposium  2024

Bárbara Henriques participated in the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism that was held in Porto, Portugal. This year's symposium undertook the inspiring theme "Exploring New Horizons." With this motto, B. Henriques presented the most recent work of her team, which combined wet lab and computational research to uncover protein biophysical-biochemical relationships that could inform physicians how to manage Multiple Acyl-Coa Dehydrogenase Deficiency (MADD). 

Aug 18-22, 2024
ACS Fall 2024

Miguel Machuqueiro presented a new computational approach developed by his research team at the ACS Fall 2024 meeting, held in Denver, CO, USA. In the seminar titled "Computational method to capture pH effects at the macromolecule-water interfaces", he described the molecular dynamics tool that they have developed that allows to explore the impact of pH on how proteins behave and how they interact with other molecules. 

Jul 15-19, 2024
Joint IEC & IHM 2024

The TWIN2PIPSA researcher Romana Santos and PhD students Inês Ventura and Mariana Santos attended the joint 17th International Echinoderm Conference & 2nd International Hemichordate Meeting that was held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife (Spain). During the meeting, they presented their more recent findings on the molecular features that grant sea urchins their ability to adhere to surfaces in aquatic environments.

Jun 29-Jul 3, 2024
48th FEBS Congress

The PhD student António Figueira represented the TWIN2PIPSA Ciências ULisboa team at the 48th Federation of European Biochemical Society (FEBS) Congress in Milano, Italy. He was also one of the 100  PhD and young postdoc researchers for around Europe who were selected to participate in the 23rd FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum (YSF 2024), which was hosted from June 26 to June 29 at the University of Pavia. During these events he had the opportunity to engage in challenging and fruitful discussions and   find out more on new methods and cutting-edge technologies.

Jun 27, 2024
4th Chem & Biochem Students Meeting

Nine PhD and four MSc TWIN2PIPSA students conducting their research projects at Ciências ULisboa presented their most recent findings during the 4th Chem & Biochem Students Meeting. Their works, which span across different fields of protein research, were widely recognized by the scientific community of Ciências ULisboa (chemistry & biochemistry department), being granted the Best Poster, Best Pitch, and Best Oral Presentations awards, as well as an Honorable Mention.   

Jun 24-28, 2024
IUPAB 2024

João Sequeira and João Vitorino attended the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) 2024 Congress that was held in Kyoto, Japan. During this event they had the opportunity to share and discuss their more recent research work on the non-opiod analgesics and G protein-coupled receptors modulators using molecular dynamics models. Their posters were selected by the biophysics community as excellent poster presentations, being awarded with the “IUPAB2024 Student and ECR Poster Award” by the IUPAB2024 organization and Biophysical Society of Japan committees.

Jun 17-21, 2024
ICNI-III Belgrade 2024

Paulo J. Costa was invited to give a lecture at the 3rd International Conference on Noncovalent Interactions that was held in Belgrade, Serbia. In a seminar titled «Halogen Bonds: A Journey Using "Simple" Force Field methods» he had the opportunity to explore the importance of halogen bonds in biomolecules interactions and how to use molecular dynamics simulations to explore and modulate the behavior of halogen bonds in complex systems.

Jun 5-7, 2024
European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress 2024

Nuno Oliveira, João Sequeira and Marta Batista attended the ESAB 2024 congress that was held in San Sebastián, Spain. Nuno and Marta were selected to give Flash Talks at the main event and the Young Scientist Seminar satellite workshop, respectively. João and Marta were also selected to present their work during the poster sessions of the congress. This was a great opportunity for them to engage in international biophysics experts and expand their scientific network.

May 23-24, 2024
Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Conference 2024

The TWIN2PIPSA research teams lead by Cláudio Gomes and Bárbara Henriques attended the Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Conference 2024 that was held in Cascais, Portugal. The team presented eight posters, in which they showed their most recent findings on amyloids in neurodegeneration and misfolding in mitochondrial diseases. The PhD student Inês Ventura and researcher Mariana Santos won the Best Poster Prize of the conference for their joint work on "Biomimetic Adhesives: New Adhesive Proteins Inspired in Sea Urchin Nectin Structural Domains."

Apr 16-19, 2024
Annual International (Bio)Medical Students Meeting

PhD students António Figueira, Margarida Simões, and Guilherme Moreira presented their most recent work exploring the underlying mechanisms of Amyloid-β and TAU aggregates in health and disease at the AIMS 2024 meeting, in Lisbon, Portugal. In addition, PhD student Inês Ventura and TWIN2PIPSA researcher Mariana Santos, and MSc student Andreia Dias discussed new sea urchin-inspired bioadhesives and the features of EARS2 disease-associated mutations.

Apr 05, 2024
20th International Symposium of the Portuguese Society of Metabolic Disorders

Bárbara J. Henriques was invited to present at the 20th International Symposium of the Portuguese Society of Metabolic Disorders, held in Aveiro, Portugal. Addressing the changing paradigm of inherited metabolic disorders in Portugal, Dr. Henriques showed how her research on mutations in the ETF and ETF:QO flavoprotein coding gene can provide valuable data to inform clinicians how to treat and manage patients with multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD), with her seminar titled "Improve management of MADD patients – insights and achievements".

Mar 05-09, 2024
AD/PD 2024

Prof. Cláudio Gomes and four PhD students supervised by him, as well as the PhD students Alicia González Díaz and Alexander Röntgen from UCAM, presented their most recent research findings at the ADPD/2024  Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Diseases Conference, in Lisbon, Portugal.

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Sep 05-07, 2023
EMBO Workshop on Proteostasis

Prof. Cláudio Gomes gave a talk titled
"Emerging Chaperones for Modulating Protein Aggregation and Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Neurodegeneration" at the 3rd edition of the Prosteostasis EMBO Workshop.

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Sep 05-07, 2023
5th International Symposium on Pathomechanisms of Amyloid Diseases

PhD student António J. Figueira and TWIN2PIPSA Coordinator Prof. Cláudio M. Gomes, PhD, from the Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine Lab (BioISI), attended the 5th International Symposium on Pathomechanisms of Amyloid Diseases in Bordeaux, France; where they talked about their most recent work on S100 chaperones and their role in the regulation of protein aggregation in Alzheimer's Disease.

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Jul 31-Aug 04, 2023
EBSA 2023

PhD student Joana Ribeiro, together with PIs Bárbara J. Henriques, PhD and Prof. Cláudio M. Gomes, PhD, from the Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine Lab (BioISI) attended the European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA) 2023 Congress in Stockholm, Sweden. There, with a talk and posters, they showcased their team's recent work on protein biophysics for rare metabolic disorders.

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Jul 13, 2023
3rd Chem&Biochem Students Meeting (ULisboa)

Our PhD, MSc and BSc students participated in the 3rd Chem & Biochem Students Meeting at the Faculty of Sciences from ULisboa. There, they were able to showcase their projects in posters, flash and oral presentations, to more than 200 researchers. Also, PhD student António J. Figueira and MSc student Mariana Santos won Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster, respectively. Excellent job!

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Jul 06-12, 2023
47th FEBS Congress 2023/2023 FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum

PhD student Guilherme G. Moreira from the Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine Lab (BioISI) presented his research on tau liquid-liquid phase separation at the 47th FEBS Congress 2023 and the associated 2023 FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum in Tours, France. He was awarded the BioFactors Poster Prize and was also a FEBS Letters Poster Prize Winner. Congratulations Guilherme! 

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May 23-25, 2023
The Global Synthetic Biology Conference 2023

PhD student Inês Ventura from the Bioadhesion & Biomimicry Lab (MARE) and the Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine Lab (BioISI), participated at The Global Synthetic Biology Conference (SynBioBeta 2023) in California, USA, where she shared her research on bioadhesives inspired on sea urchin's proteins with potential biotechnological applications.

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Apr 27-28, 2023
Eurotau Meetings 2023

TWIN2PIPSA participated in the Eurotau meetings 2023, with a talk by Prof. Cláudio M. Gomes, PhD, on the modulation of tau aggregation and condensation by chaperones, together with posters presented by PhD students Guilherme G. Moreira and Margarida Simões from his Lab.

• Best Oral Presentation Award to António J. Figueira at the 3rd Chem&Biochem Students Meeting at the Faculty of Sciences ULisboa
• Best Poster Presentation Award to Mariana Santos at the 3rd Chem&Biochem Students Meeting at the Faculty of Sciences ULisboa
• BioFactors Best Poster Award to Guilherme G. Moreira at the 22nd FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum
• Poster Prize of the Day from FEBS Letters to Guilherme G. Moreira at the 47th FEBS Congress
• Best Poster Award to Inês Ventura and Mariana Santos at the Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Conference 2024
• Best Oral Presentation in Biochemistry Award to Andreia Dias at the 4th Chem&Biochem Students Meeting at the Faculty of Sciences ULisboa
• Best Pitch Presentation in Biochemistry Award to Margarida Simões at the 4th Chem&Biochem Students Meeting at the Faculty of Sciences ULisboa
• Best Poster Presentation in Biochemistry Award to Pedro Peralta at the 4th Chem&Biochem Students Meeting at the Faculty of Sciences ULisboa
• Honorable Mention for Poster Presentation in Biochemistry to Ruy Domingos at the 4th Chem&Biochem Students Meeting at the Faculty of Sciences ULisboa
• IUPAB2024 Student and Early Career Researcher Poster Award to João Vitorino and João Sequeira at the IUPAB 2024 congress

• IUPAB Bursary award to João Sequeira to attend the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics 2024 Congress
• EBSA bursaries waiver awarder to João Sequeira to attend the European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress 2024
• Portuguese Biophysics Society Travel Grant to João Sequeira to attend the European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress 2024
• EBSA bursaries awarder to Marta Batista to attend the European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress 2024
• Portuguese Biophysics Society Travel Grant to Marta Batista to attend the European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress 2024
• FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum grant to António J. Figueira to attend the 48th FEBS Congress/23nd FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum
• EMBO|FEBS Travel Grant and Registration Fee Waiver to António J. Figueira to attend the EMBO|FEBS Susan Lindquist School on Proteostasis
• FEBS Youth Travel Grant to Margarida Simões to attend the FEBS Advanced Course on Protein Folding, Aggregation and Compartimentalization
• Portuguese Biophysics Society Travel Grant to Joana Ribeiro to attend the European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA) 2023 Congress
• FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum grant to Guilherme G. Moreira to attend the 47th FEBS Congress/22nd FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum 
• Travel and Attendance Grant to Inês Ventura to attend the 2023 SynBioBeta conference


Organization or participation in events for the general public, industry and researchers.

Oct 2, 2024
Tec Labs Demo Day 2024

The TWIN2PIPSA project had the opportunity to showcase its innovative potential at the Tec Labs Demo Day at Ciências ULisboa. Researcher Romana Santos and project manager Alice Melão shared the most recent findings of the exploratory TWIN2PIPSA research project on the adhesive properties of sea urchin proteins. This event allowed several interactions with biotech companies, innovation agencies and venture capital representatives, which are anticipated to support future endeavors for the development of biomimetic, eco-friendly glues.

Sep 27, 2024
European Researchers' Night - Lisboa

For the second year, the TWIN2PIPSA project was present at the 2024 edition of the European Researcher's Night, but this time in a different manner. Having fun is an important part of doing and learning science. Therefore, the TWIN2PIPSA team designed different online games for children of all ages (including the so-called adults) can learn all about proteins. Take your change on the TWIN2PIPSA games and check how knowledgeable you are on proteins and their importance in our lives. 

Sep 27, 2024
Workshop: 3D-BioInfo-PT Introductory Workshop

TWIN2PIPSA researchers once again hosted a workshop on bioinformatics tools to explore the features of protein structures. Among the subjects to be addressed, the attendees had possibility to learn the principles of Molecular Docking Calculations and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. It was a great opportunity for the research community to dive into the field of Computational Structural Biology.

Jun 6, 2024
Outreach: 3 Minutes Thesis University of Lisboa

The TWIN2PIPSA PhD student Inês Ventura was among the 12 selected finalists of the 3MT ULisboa competition. This academic competition aims to develop unique skills of PhD students, such as communicating complex ideas in a simple and creative way, to diverse audiences, in just 3 minutes and using a single slide. The competition was inspired by a format developed and patented by the University of Queensland, Australia (3MT®).

May 22, 2024
Workshop: Excellent Frontier Research: Strategic Perspectives for ERC Successful Funding

Promoted by TWIN2PIPSA, this workshop provided a strategic vision on the Horizon Europe funding program with focus on how the European Research Council (ERC) grants can leverage excellent frontier research within the European Research Area.

May 13-17, 2024
MOSBRI Basic-Level School

The PhD student Daniela Freitas was selected to be one of the 20 participants to attend the Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure (MOSBRI) basic-level school on "Single molecule biophysics in cell lysates". This course will provide her added theoretical and practical knowledge on high throughput screening approaches for dynamic parameters of biochemical interactions on a single molecule level.

May 8, 2024
Ciências Open Day 2024

High-school students had the opportunity to learn more about the TWIN2PIPSA project and the different approaches to study protein interactions and their impact in health through three different activities:
"Desvendando os Segredos das Proteínas dos Ouriços do Mar para Obter Novos Bioadesivos", "Visitas aos Laboratórios de Bioenergética e de Estrutura e Dinâmica Celular: No Limiar Entre Bactérias e Humanos", and "Da Estrutura à Função - Visualização em 3D das Moléculas da Vida".
 We hope to inspire the future generation to continue to unravel the mysteries of proteins. 

Apr 12, 2024
3D-BioInfo-PT Advanced Workshop

Several Ciências ULisboa members of the TWIN2PIPSA project, who also belong to the 3D-BioInfo-PT community, hosted a workshop on Computational Structural Biology. Free energy perturbation, enhanced sampling, and peptide binder design methods were presented to and discussed with early-stage researchers from other national research centers.

Apr 10, 2024
Visit of Students from The Netherlands

Biopharmaceutical sciences undergraduate students from Leiden University visited Ciências ULisboa, including the Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine lab and the Cell Structure and Dynamics Lab. They had the opportunity to see and learn what the TWIN2PIPSA teams lead by Federico Herrera, Cláudio Gomes, and Bárbara Henriques investigate and what techniques they use.

Apr 10, 2024
Jobshop Ciências 2024

TWIN2PIPSA was present at the Jobshop Ciências 2024, an annual event that aims to present the diverse professional possibilities available to college students undergoing their studies at Ciências ULisboa. Represented by Inês Ventura and Mariana Santos, the TWIN2PIPSA project highlighted the a professional path in research in the universe of the biophysics of protein self-assembly and interactions.

Feb 20, 2024
Event: Bridging opportunities and forging partnerships with biotech/industrial stakeholders

The TWIN2PIPSA team along with Tec Labs, the Innovation Center of Ciências ULisboa, hosted an event aiming to cultivate synergies and forge strategic partnerships with biotech and industrial stakeholders, focusing on advancements in protein-based technologies, biologics, and products. During this event the participants had the opportunity to know more about the infrastructures and technology available in the TWIN2PIPSA laboratories, and discover National and International biotech companies.

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Jan 9, 2024
High-school students visit Ciências ULisboa 

Students from Escola Secundária de Cascais visited the Ciências ULisboa, including several TWIN2PIPSA research laboratories. The students had the opportunity to learn more about the computational and experimental methodologies used by the labs of Federico Herrera, Miguel Machuqueiro, Paulo Costa, Cláudio Gomes, and Bárbara Henriques to explore the features of normal, mutated, and misfolded proteins in human health and disease.

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Dec 6, 2023
Workshop: Navigating EU Research & Innovation Funding: Leveraging Current Experiences for Future Opportunities

Promoted by the TWIN2PIPSA, this workshop will provide a strategic vision on consortium participation in key EU funding program calls to the FCiências.ID/ULisboa and Ciências ULisboa community.

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Oct 24, 2023
Ciências Research and Innovation Day 2023

Prof. Cláudio Gomes and the PhD students Nuno Oliveira, Margarida Simões, Fernanda Murtinheira, and Inês Ventura presented the most recent findings of the TWIN2PIPSA ULisboa team at the 5th edition of Ciências Research & Innovation Day, an event that aims to showcase the best science made in Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.

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Sep 29, 2023
European Researchers' Night - Lisboa

TWIN2PIPSA was at the 2023 European Researchers' Night in Lisbon. Visitants could talk with Prof. Romana Santos, PhD and her team about marine-inspired biomaterials; learn about computational modelling of biomolecules with Miguel Machuqueiro, PhD and Paulo Costa, PhD; and discover how human cells behave in disease with Prof. Federico Herrera, PhD.

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May 03, 2023
Ciências Open Day 2023

T2P participated at the Ciências Open Day 2023 at the Faculty of Sciences of ULisboa. Here, we were able to showcase our research and its impact on protein science to early career researchers and high-school students looking to enter into STEM.

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Apr 18, 2023
Jobshop Ciências 2023

TWIN2PIPSA was present at the Jobshop Ciências 2023, where we talked about our goals and research activities, as well as networking opportunities for scientific collaboration and industry partnerships.

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Feb 01-03, 2023
TWIN2PIPSA Kick-off Meeting

TWIN2PIPSA's kick-off meeting was held at Lisbon, Portugal. This 3-day meeting counted with the participation of the entire network of students, researchers and PIs involved in the project, where they shared their research, showcased available infrastructure and engaged in discussions. We also had three plenary lectures from partners Dr. Michele Vendruscolo (UCAM), Dr. Kresten Lindorff-Larsen (UCPH) and Dr. Ehud Gazit (TAU).

Training Schools

T2P_Training School 1
Integrating experimental and computational approaches in protein self-assembly
Training School 1 | Nov 13-16, 2023

Introduce the ULisboa team to the advanced experimental and computational techniques used by UCPH researchers for the study of proteins and their interactions, and their relationships to function and disease.

From pathological protein aggregation to drug discovery
Training School 2 | Jan 15-17, 2024

Introduce the ULisboa team to the expertise of UCAM researchers and provide hands-on practice on pathological protein aggregation in protein conformational diseases and the development of therapeutic and diagnostic (small molecule and biologics) tools.

From protein nano-assemblies and biomaterials to biotechnology
Training School 3 | Feb 17-19, 2025

Introduce the ULisboa team to the conceptual and methodological expertise of TAU researchers underlying functional amyloids, peptide and metabolite assemblies, and protein-based biomaterials, with focus on their biotechnological potential and applicability.


Scientific articles published by the TWIN2PIPSA team

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Morphological and Biophysical Study of S100A9 Protein Fibrils by Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging and Nanomechanical Analysis

TWIN2PIPSA senior researchers Ana CarapetoMário Rodrigues and Patrícia Faísca have published a new research report in the Biomolecules journal where they describe the dynamics, morphological and mechanical properties of the aggregation process of S100A9 in physiological conditions using atomic force microscopy.

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A human microglial cell model of autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay

PhD students Fernanda Murtinheira and Ana Boasinha along with principal investigators Federico Herrera and Mário Rodrigues, and collaborators published a new report in the Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease journal. In this article they describe a newly engineered cell line that can be used to explore the role of microglial cells in a rare type of human neurological disorder, namely autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay.

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Is There a Functional Role for the Knotted Topology in Protein UCH-L1?

PhD student Sara Ferreira along with principal investigators Patrícia Faísca and Miguel Machuqueiro, and international collaborators published a study in the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling that provides new evidences that knotted protein topology may have more important roles than first hypothesized.

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Secondary Modification of S100B Influences Anti Amyloid-β Aggregation Activity and Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology

Led by Cláudio Gomes, ULisboa researchers and collaborators published a study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences that sheds light on the role of S100B pro-inflammatory protein in the regulation of amyloid-β aggregation and the progression of Alzheimer's disease. 

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Interfacial Dynamics and Growth Modes of β2-Microglobulin Dimers

PhD students Nuno Oliveira, Filipe Rodrigues and João N. M. Vitorino together with the principal investigators Patrícia Faísca and Miguel Machuqueiro, published their research on β2-Microglobulin dimer’s growth modes using computational modulations. Moreover, their paper was featured in the front cover of the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling.

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S100B chaperone multimers suppress the formation of oligomers during Aβ42 aggregation

S100B, a Ca2+-binding protein with holdase-like chaperone activity was evidenced to inhibit Aβ42 oligomerization and aggregation both as a dimer and tetramer, as shown in the paper published by PhD student António J. Figueira on Frontiers in Neuroscience.

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Unraveling the Aquaporin-3 Inhibitory Effect of Rottlerin by Experimental and Computational Approaches

A paper published by Inês Paccetti-Alves on the International Journal of Molecular Sciences shows that Rottlerin (RoT) is able to inhibit human Aquaporin 3 (AQP3) activity, a relevant player in cancer and metastasis, unveiling RoT as an potential anticancer drug where AQP3 is highly expressed.

Find out more about our publications

• Simões MC, Cristóvão JS, Pardon E, Steyaert J, Fritz G, Gomes CM. Functional modulation of RAGE activation by multimeric S100B using single-domain antibodies. J Biol Chem. 2024;300(12):107983.
• Habeck T, Zurmühl SS, Figueira AJ, Maciel EVS, Gomes CM, Lermyte F. Cross-Interactions of Aβ Peptides Implicated in Alzheimer's Disease Shape Amyloid Oligomer Structures and Aggregation. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2024;15(23):4295–4304.
• Oliveira NFB, Ladokhin AS, Machuqueiro M. Constant-pH MD simulations of the protonation-triggered conformational switching in diphtheria toxin translocation domain. Biophys J. 2024;123(24):4266–4273.
• Freitas DP, Saavedra J, Cardoso I, Gomes CM. Biophysical Studies of Amyloid-Binding Fluorophores to Tau AD Core Fibrils Formed without Cofactors. Int J Mol Sci. 2024;25(18):9946.
• Carapeto AP, Marcuello C, Faísca PFN, Rodrigues MS. Morphological and Biophysical Study of S100A9 Protein Fibrils by Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging and Nanomechanical Analysis. Biomolecules. 2024;14(9):1091.
• Murtinheira F, Farsetti E, Macedo L, Boasinha AS, Rodrigues MS, Fernandes A,  Herrera F. A human microglial cell model of autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2024;1870(8):167452.
• Yuan H, Cazade PA, Yuan C, Xue B, Kumar VB, Yang R, Finkelstein-Zuta G, Gershon L, Lahav M, Rencus-Lazar S, Cao Y, Levy D, Thompson D, Gazit E. The Dimensionality of Hydrogen Bond Networks Induces Diverse Physical Properties of Peptide Crystals. ACS Mater Lett. 2024;6(8):3824–3833.
• Pais JP, Antoniuk O, Pires D, Delgado T, Fortuna A, Costa PJ, Anes E, Constantino L. Synthesis, Activity, Toxicity, and In Silico Studies of New Antimycobacterial N-Alkyl Nitrobenzamides. Pharmaceuticals 2024;17(5):608.
• Ferreira SGF, Sriramoju MK, Hsu SDH, Faísca PFN, Machuqueiro M. Is There a Functional Role for the Knotted Topology in Protein UCH-L1? J Chem Inf Model. 2024;64(17):6827–6837.
• Mortelecque J, Zejneli O, Bégard S, Simões MC, ElHajjar L, Nguyen M, Cantrelle FX, Hanoulle X, Rain JC, Colin M, Gomes CM, Buée L, Landrieu I, Danis C, Dupré E. A selection and optimization strategy for single-domain antibodies targeting the PHF6 linear peptide within the Tau intrinsically disordered protein. J Bio Chem. 2024;300(4):107163.
• Fortuna A, Suzano PMS, Machuqueiro M, Costa PJ. Influence of Iodine Merz-Singh-Kollman Radius on the Calculated Charges and Hydration Free Energies of Iodinated Molecule. J Comput Biophys Chem. 2024;23(4):481–491.
• Fernandes PMP, Guedes RA, Victor BL, Salvador JAR, Guedes RC. Decoding the secrets: how conformational and structural regulators inhibit the human 20S proteasome. Front Chem. 2024;11:1322628.
• Coelho R, De Benedictis CA, Sauer AK, Figueira AJ, Faustino H, Grabrucker AM, Gomes CM. Secondary Modification of S100B Influences Anti Amyloid-β Aggregation Activity and Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology. Int J Mol Sci. 2024;25(3):1787.
• Diallo M, Pimenta C, Murtinheira F, Martins-Alves D, Pinto FR, da Costa AA, Letra-Vilela R, Martin V, Rodriguez C, Rodrigues MS, Herrera F. Asymmetric post-translational modifications regulate the nuclear translocation of STAT3 homodimers in response to leukemia inhibitory factor. Cell Oncol. 2024;47:1065–1070.

• Fortuna A, Costa PJ. Impact of the halogen PB radii in the estimation of protein-ligand binding energies using MM-PBSA calculations. ChemRxiv 2024.
• Murtinheira F, Boasinha AS, Belo J, Macedo L, Farsetti E, Robalo TT, Torres VM, Pinto FR, Fernandes A, Nascimento P, Rodrigues MS, Herrera F. Subcellular, biochemical and biophysical alterations in two glial cell models of ARSACS. BioRxiv 2024.

• Fortuna A, Costa PJ. Assessment of Halogen Off-Center Point-Charge Models Using Explicit Solvent Simulations. J Chem Inf Model. 2023;63(23):7464–7475.
• Neto V, Victor B, Galamba N. Cyclic Peptides as Aggregation Inhibitors for Sickle Cell Disease. J Med Chem. 2023;66(23):16062–16074.
• Paccetti-Alves I, Batista MSP, Pimpão C, Victor BL, Soveral G. Unraveling the Aquaporin-3 Inhibitory Effect of Rottlerin by Experimental and Computational Approaches. Int J Mol Sci. 2023;24:6004.
• Ahonen T, Ng CP, Farinha B, Almeida B, Victor BL, Reynolds C, Kalso E, Yli-Kauhaluoma J, Greaves J, Moreira VM. Probing the Interactions of Thiazole Abietane Inhibitors with the Human Serine Hydrolases ABHD16A and ABHD12. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2023;14(10):1404–1410.
• Ferreira-Peralta P, França B, Murtinheira F, Rodrigues MS, Herrera F. Is spastic ataxia 8 a protein misfolding disorder? Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2023;1870(1):166882.
• Figueira AJ, Saavedra J, Cardoso I, Gomes CM. S100B chaperone multimers suppress the formation of oligomers during Aβ42 aggregation. Front Neurosci. 2023;17:1162741.
• Gomes AMM, Costa PJ, Machuqueiro M. Recent advances on molecular dynamics-based techniques to address drug membrane permeability with atomistic detail. BBA Adv. 2023;4:100099.
• Šivickytė O, Costa PJ. Intrinsic bond strength index as a halogen bond interaction energy predictor. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2023;25:17535.

• Brás AR, Lopes A, Mendes N, Costa PJ, Ferreira A, Granja S, Silva AP, Tortosa F, Baltazar F, Gärtner F, Sousa MJ, Valente A, Preto A. Shifting KRAS hotspot mutations inhibition paradigm in colorectal cancer. bioRxiv 2023.08.09.552513.

Interviews/News Publications

Communications for the general public by the TWIN2PIPSA team

  • Dos oceanos à IA, quatro cientistas portugueses olham para 2025 (in Portuguese)
    Interview to Paulo Costa, 3 January 2025 🔗🔗
  • 90 Segundos Ciência, Ep. 1902: "Investigação estuda fatores que promovem a deposição de agregados proteicos na doença de Alzheimer" (in Portuguese)
    Interview to Cláudio Gomes, 10 December 2024 🔗
  • 90 Segundos Ciência, Ep. 1810: "Investigação cria base de dados para melhor estudar doença metabólica rara" (in Portuguese)
    Interview to Bárbara Henriques, 14 June 2024 🔗
  • "As moléculas marinhas no nosso dia a dia" (in Portuguese)
    Webinar by Romana Santos, 23 January 2024 🔗 
  • "O mar é uma loja de ideias" (in Portuguese)
    Webinar by Romana Santos, 23 January 2024 🔗 
  • Antena 2 Ciência podcast, Ep. 39 (in Portuguese)
    Interview to Cláudio Gomes, 27 November 2023 🔗 
  • Proteína S100B: um potencial alvo terapêutico para combater a doença de Alzheimer by Guilherme Gil Moreira (in Portuguese)
    in "Conta-nos a tua Ciência", Público newspaper, 15 August 2023 🔗
  • À procura de analgésicos potentes alternativos aos opioides by João Sequeira (in Portuguese)
    in "Conta-nos a tua Ciência", Público newspaper, 9 August 2023 🔗
  • As proteínas que impedem a formação de lixo na doença de Alzheimer by António J. Figueira (in Portuguese)
    in "Conta-nos a tua Ciência", Público newspaper, 20 June 2023 🔗
  • European project promotes top-notch research in biochemistry and biophysics
    Press release in AZoLifeSciences, 15 November 2022 🔗
  • Newly funded Twinning project on protein biophysics will support innovation in biomedicine and biotechnology
    Press release in Eurekalert, 14 November 2022 🔗

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